Sunday, January 2, 2011


To update you from the last post:
Firstly, I didn't get charged overweight! The woman was an absolute gem and went to charge Madison and I but decided to be lovely and thus no fines for us!
Secondly, Alannah and I were miraulously seated next to eachother in business class - wow. That was an ahhhhmazing turn of events that I am seriously greatful to god for!
And thirdly, my gorgeous boyfriend was waiting at the airport with a sign and a bag of lychee's to welcome me home. What a darling. 

Back to the present .......

I went on the road not even 24 hours after arriving home to Australia and only got back to a computer today. As much fun as I have been having on my roady it is a completely different experience to New York and I fear that nothing will ever compare to it again. I loved every minute I spent in New York and it will stay with me as one of my favourite destinations in the world alongside Paris, Greece and Israel. Everything in New York simply blew Australia out of the water and if this is the industry I want to devote my life too then this is exactly where I want to end up. The overall buzz of the town is excruciatingly creative and innovative and with such a vast population you can understand why so much of the worlds talent comes from America. It truely is a wonderland of possibilities and I am so grateful that I was able to experience it.

I loved New York for its dogs, fashion, fabric, multiculturalism, culture, museums, galleries, food, parks, bikes, taxis, fashion, markets, street art, Brad lives there, Becuase you can eat anything at anytime, 8 dollar washing, 12 dollar drycleaning, shoes, subways, colours, parades, holiday spirit, they have a black president, because Christians and Kabbalists, Wiccans and Zoroastrians, have a home there, yankees, mexican food, italian food, japanese food, china town, designer fashion at nearly affordable prices, and most of all I love New York for simply existing. I always thought i'd hate America which was why I avoided it all these years, but there really is something about it. Carrie has it all. 

New York, I love you.