Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cab Hail Fail

Today was the day I had most been looking forward too,

The day we went to the American Natural History Museum!!
As I said in my last post I love history, but what I love more is animals and the future (Space).  I had been looking forward to this SO MUCH and it fulfilled every expectation! I was a little bit disturbed to find out the animals were real and had just been 'taxidermed' (I think that is the equivalent to being stuffed only with enzymes so it doesn't deteriorate or something?) but none the less it was absolutely incredible. I also loved seeing all the tribal ware, not to mention we got to go to the planetarium INSIDE the museum! Going to the planetarium is one of my favourite things to do in brisbane its incredible. Whoopi Goldberg narrated the film and it was so awesome i even bought a galactic t shirt? The reason we were able to see the planetarium film was because we bought special tickets which also enabled us to see this thing about the human brain! That was amazing and genuinely interesting! Alannah is probably going to base her collection on it so there was definately some good from this adventure. The other great part about this museum was of course the DINOSAURS! It was wicked.

 I just love this kind of thing I just get so excited about so many things I swear I become illiterate!!

Unfortunately for us we got completely entranced in the museum and lost track of time, this meant when we finally went to get a cab home to get ready for the conference opening party we couldn't get one - peak hour! Serious cab hail fail - we ended up subwaying and getting dressed in half an hour. An achievement in itself. 

The cocktail party was, albeit, not what we were expecting! But it was certainly beautiful! It ended up being in Fred Leighton on Madison Avenue! It was insane. The jewellery was absolutely exquisite and had all been designed by a new turkish designer names Sevan. It truely was a sight for sore eyes!

The ring on the left is $180,000 and the ring on the right is $400,000?

Aside from the beautiful jewellery we also got to mingle with a number of the speakers. I myself met the woman of my dreams! Her name is Tzipporah Salamon and it was quite literally love at first sight! She was impeccably and eccentrically dressed and I loved it from head to toe! Unfortunately amoungst our chit-chat I was so nervous and forgot to ask her what she actually does! I found out that she will be speaking tomorrow on the 20th century women of style panel and APPARANTLY she even does a one woman show where she simply - get's changed!! I'm not sure but I am absolutely intent on speaking with her again! 
 Tzipporah Salamon!
Sevan the deisgner!

For the thousandth time New York, I have no words to explain myself!

After the party (which didn't last very long) we all decided to head back to the infamous cuban resturant for cocktails and dinner! It was really fun and it was nice to have dinner as a full group! I won't lie - we were all a bit shika! (Considering i'm in New York I figured i'd use yiddish, shika = drunk)

After dinner we decided to - keep drinking! So we headed to Sex and the City hangout 'Buddakan' for cocktails and dessert!

Oh New York, How will I ever adjust to real life now?

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