Friday, December 3, 2010

Tziporah Salamon

This morning stef and I decided to do some washing before heading to the conference - and by washing I mean it cost us 8 dollars to have an entire bag of washing washed for us and folded and ironed. I love you America!

After we had handed over our washing and finished our daily bagels we headed to the conference. I was truely unsure about what to expect from the conference as at the party it had seemed like it was going to be a wealthy wives indulging in a pastime however I absolutely loved it! I wont lie there was times where it either repeated things we had learnt in class and there were times where it was plain dull for one reason or another, but as a whole it was absolutely great. 

The first speaker of the day was named Catherine Moellering and her talk was entitled 'Fashion's Power Play: Consumers Take the Lead.' She heavily reinforced alot of concepts that we had already learnt, however, she had character and was in the industry. I always feel like its an actual confirmation of what we learn at uni when someone from the industry who is faced with these problems agree's with what you have learnt. She was really knowledgeable effective and interesting to listen too.

After Catherine came Hal Rubenstein and oh my gosh was he a joy to listen too! Not only is he the fashion editor of America's no.1 magazine (As he kept repeating!) but he knew his stuff and he knew it well. There was nothing he said that I didn't agree with! His entire concept of women, shoping and fashion was brutal but on the ball! Unfortunately however he did run overtime which set the rest of the day back. 

After these two spoke it got slightly less exciting for a while and I wont lie the suspense about hearing Tzipporah (Who I am now going to refer too as Zippy) speak was killing me! Finally after some sustainable fashion babble it got to the Women of style panel which consisted of 'Tzipporah Salamon', Pamela Keogh, Phyllis Magidson, Mitchell owens and Patsy Tarr. During this time each of the panel members chose three of their favourite women of style and discussed them vocally. This was one of the most exciting talks of the day (Not Just because Tzipporah was speaking) each member chose vastly different women for vastly different reasons and it was SO enlightening to hear 5 experts speak about women and not only the particular styles they embodied but also the time and place they embodied them and also it was incredibly fascinating and riveting to hear what these experts thought about modern fashion and modern fashion icons! I loved every minute of this talk until Lisa shuffled them off stage!

Aside from genuinely loving the panel, Tzipporah herself is an absolute genius. You don't meet people with such character every day and she was insatiable! Everything she was saying was things I completely agree with - and by the way she actually does do the show and she's Jewish (Love it!). She dressed in character, moods, colours etc she beleives one should always look stylish and that if you are actually stylish it isnt an effort to do so! I just loved everything about her and then when I actually got to speak with her she was just so lovely! She even gave me her card! I will email the second the conference is over - I have no idea what I will say but I love it!

We also had another cocktail party tonight. It was at a vintage store called 'What Goes Around Comes Around', which was where I bought my Valentino skirt! It was fun but it was no where near as exciting as yesterdays party unfortunately. I did have a chat with Tzipporah again though and she was just lovely and said that if we had've been staying longer than the conference she would've 'performed' for me! A dream come true!

What a wonderful day!

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