Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Big Finale

Conference day two and our last day in new york! 

This morning I met Anna Sui! I got a picture with her but unfortunately the photo is on one of Kay's camera's! She was lovely and her talk was awesome! It was really cool to actually hear a real designers perspective and processes. Her actual designs were really beautiful too! I had never really been a huge fan but I actually loved the 70's inspired cuts and fabulous colours and patterns! I loved it.   It was also cool to hear about how she made it. I don't know how i'm going to do it, but hey if theres a will (A really big will) theres a way right?

After Anna Sui I decided to leave the conference until Hamish Bowles becuase after all it was our last day in New York and I still had things to do and literally places to see! Unfortunately this blew up in my face becuase when it came time to see hamish bowles it was IMPOSSIBLE to get a cab and thus I missed it. Beleive you me, I effing kicked myself. Death by cab. Instead Stef and I had to simply give up and so we got Japanese for literally the 4th time and met up with everyone else at Billys bakery for some cupcakes - or in my case coconut cake!

Enjoying cake with everyone was the perfect ending to the perfect trip. 

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