Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I am in New York. 

It has finally sunk in. 

Today was insane! I woke up at 10 to 4 in the morning and just couldnt get back to sleep so at 6 am i took a stroll around chelsea and like a good new yorker I got a bagel with cream cheese to start my day just like I said I would!

From there I went to Ground Zero ... I dont really know what i was expecting but it was kind of a let down considering they're redeveloping on the land and the memorial place was closed until 12:30. It was a very sad thing to see though - the gap in the buildings was very noticable. I did this with my friend Al (The one from yesterday), he is basically a walking encycolpedia which is amazing when you're in a foreign place and so we visited the cemetery directly opposite the trade centers. The cemetery was from the 1700 hundreds and was absolutely creepy but SO interesting. I am mentioning this for two reasons, firstly please read the tomb stone below it is so creepy (He died on Al's birthday? weird!) 
And secondly, Al informed me of this documentary on a young firefighter (Some american reality thing which ended up being a 5 star documentary becuase the camera man ended up following the rookie fighter into the first trade center by chance) Annnnyway - the camera man ended up being with the firefighting crew in the first trade center when it collapsed. Luckily all the men survived, except for one firefighter who was ironically also a preist! He ended up being the only one who was killed in the collapse! Apparently they carried his body to the church steps of the church below.... I know I shouldnt find this story funny but its just SO ironic so i figured i'd share it with you. 

After that i met the girls (Stef, Alannah and Em) in fifth ave where we continued shopping - I invested in an amazing camel coloured celine looking poncho woo hoo! 

 Allanah, Emily and Stef looking fab! 

Saks Fifth Ave store windows!! (We power-walked past on our way to the guggenheim so i only have 4 to load at the moment!)

We then powerwalked through central park - were not only did we see a squirrel but we saw seals?? its so bizarre, I knew there was a zoo but the seals arent even inside! Its so great though - all that went through my mind was 'Only in New York!' 

After this we visited the Guggenheim - all the girls were pretty disinterested ( i dont know how/why) but I loved it and it was amazing. Kandinsky you are a genious. We even got to see some chic Vionnet!

Tonight was amazing. Stef and I napped from 5 - 6 then taxi'd to Saks on 5th ave - it was love at first sight.  I didnt make a purchase, but there was these Oscar Della Renta costume gigantic earings which I MUST go back for (they are on sale and i think i would be just crazy to pass up the bargain!) It was amazing to actually see catwalk clothing up close - Why brisbane, Why can't you be cooler. 

Moschino love heart chair!

After that Stef and I walked into Times Square. OH MY GOD BRIGHT LIGHTS. Its amazing. I know i just keep saying everything is amazing but i am in awe and I am definately living at least one year of my life in this breathtaking city. 


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